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  • GMAT

GMAT score from 710 to 740

Here's a detailed study plan to help you increase your GMAT score from 710 to 740.

This comprehensive plan covers various aspects of preparation, including content review, practice, and test-taking strategies:

1. Initial Assessment (Day 1-2):

Take a full-length practice test to diagnose your strengths and weaknesses.

Analyse your performance in each section: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA).

Identify specific question types or topics where you struggled the most.

2. Targeted Content Review (Day 3-7):

Based on your assessment, focus on reviewing content areas where you need improvement.

For Quantitative Reasoning, review fundamental math concepts such as algebra, geometry, number properties, and data interpretation.

For Verbal Reasoning, review grammar rules, critical reasoning strategies, and reading comprehension techniques.

Utilize reputable study materials and resources to reinforce your understanding of key concepts.

3. Practice and Application (Day 8-14):

Dedicate time each day to practicing GMAT-style questions.

Focus on timed practice sessions to improve your pacing and time management skills.

Use official GMAT practice questions and tests, as well as additional resources from reputable sources.

Analyze your mistakes and understand the underlying concepts behind each question.

4. Advanced Concept Review (Day 15-21):

Dive deeper into advanced topics within Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning.

Practice challenging questions that require critical thinking and application of advanced concepts.

Seek clarification from experts or online forums if you encounter difficulties with specific topics.

5. Strategy Refinement (Day 22-25):

Refine your test-taking strategies for each section of the GMAT.

Practice strategic guessing and process of elimination techniques to maximize your chances of answering correctly.

Experiment with different approaches for tackling different question types, and identify the strategies that work best for you.

6. Integrated Reasoning Practice (Day 26-28):

Focus specifically on the Integrated Reasoning section during this period.

Familiarize yourself with the various question formats, such as graphics interpretation, table analysis, multi-source reasoning, and two-part analysis.

Practice interpreting data and making logical deductions based on given information.

7. Review and Final Practice (Day 29-30):

Review all sections of the GMAT, paying particular attention to areas of weakness.

Take another full-length practice test to assess your progress and readiness for the exam.

Analyse your performance and identify any remaining areas for improvement.

8. Test Day Preparation (Day 31):

Get a good night's sleep before the exam to ensure you're well-rested and alert.

Eat a balanced breakfast and arrive at the test center early to minimize stress.

Stay calm and focused during the exam, and trust in your preparation and abilities.

Additional Tips:

Throughout your preparation, maintain a balance between studying and relaxation to prevent burnout.

Stay organized by keeping track of your progress, study schedule, and goals.

Utilize official GMAT materials, as they closely resemble the actual exam content and format.

Consider seeking guidance from a tutor or joining a study group for additional support and motivation.

By following this detailed study plan and remaining diligent in your preparation efforts, you can confidently strive towards achieving your target GMAT score of 740. Remember that consistency, practice, and perseverance are key to success in standardized testing. Good luck!

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